Storyboards and Illustration
Hmm. This is stuff from my last sketchbook which is filled. School starts shortly and I'll have tons of time to draw in between my two classes and -thanks to the wonderful school atmosphere- lots of stuff TO draw. I'm making it my goal to really start rocking this year. I'll have better sketches next post. Until then, here's some stuff from last month.
The first batch are random. I notice that I didn't work much on full bodied poses (shame on me). My favorite drawing is of the dog. The second batch are a collection of faces from a story I wanted to work on in which three brothers fight to save their country from a growing terrorist faction or something. I like the bottom left face. I must draw more full bodied stuff!
As for my personal life, it's been relatively simple lately: Go to work, draw, and on Sundays go do something at a friend's house. Not that I'm complaining or anything; it's a decent enough life and it's temporary so things will ultimately be better and I'll be able to drive my E30 M3 or 94' Mazda Miata around the Nurburgring will still being a prolific illustrator. I'd drive more canyons if I had more sense.
In other news, I saw Transformers, went to Anime Expo with my friends Andy and Jill, and became a Jedi knight. I thought Transformers was fantastic for what it was worth. Anime Expo typically conjures images of smelly, overzealous otakus walking around and yelling out various anime quotes and battling with their cardboard swords. Though the fans WERE overzealous, there was no smell and many of the girls were hot. There was this chick dressed as Zelda that I wanted to take home with me. I'm kidding (no I'm not).
I didn't become a Jedi Knight, really. I simply don't have what it takes and I tend to succumb to carnal desires much too easily.
I will post more when less stuff in my sketchbook sucks. Anticipate the fun!