Saturday, October 24, 2009

Production Stuff

Ever get the feeling that life is out to get you? How bout' a UFO? I decided long ago that my soul mate was abducted by aliens and that was why I couldn't find her, here in sunny Southern California. Anyway, I'm dizzy after doing this stuff.

Anybody know an easier way to draw buildings? Please let me know. =(

Thursday, October 22, 2009

First Storyboards

Here're most of the panels from my first boarding assignment. Some are missing but they simply feel a bit redundant. I think I need to work on drawing buildings. Anyway, the "story" is pretty retarded and doesn't really warrant mentioning, but hopefully the drawings read.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I've been looking through my life drawing stuff and, strangely, all my best drawings are of the same model. Actually, it's not really strange: He's great!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


So I'm taking a watercolor class and we're painting flowers. This isn't watercolor. This is my attempt to supplement my watercolor studies with less expensive computer studies. I think it turned out okay for doing it off the top of my head but I guarantee you my instructor would laugh. I'll upload more digi-flowers and possibly even watercolor flowers later on.